Top 10 Worst Foods To Health

As people's lives get busier, concerns about food and health get put in the back burner. People would rather have food that is fast to prepare, appealing and delicious, and don't think about how these foods may affect their health. However, keeping your diet healthy is not all that difficult. Even if you can't do without certain foods in your life, at least stay away from these top ten worst foods to eat as much as possible.

1. Processed Food – Although they're extremely easy to prepare and convenient, these babies are loaded with preservatives, which can increase a person's likelihood of having cancer. A diet of processed foods will give you loads of salt and fats, but none of the nutrients that your body really needs.

2. Frozen Dinners – When you go home at night, the last thing you'd want to do is to cook a meal. Most people settle for microwaving frozen dinners as it's both cheaper and easier. These dinners are filled with artificial flavorings and preservatives so they can last longer in your fridge. They are also low in nutrients, and high in calories.

3. Potato Chips – People think that munching on these is good for their health because technically, potatoes are good for the body. However, these not only contain bad carbohydrates, they are also filled with a carcinogen called acryl amide.

4. Doughnuts – When it comes to food and health, majority of pastries raise a red alarm, but none are as deadly as the doughnut. Yes, doughnuts are extremely tasty and easy to munch on, but they are also loaded with sugar, especially the glazed variety. A large glazed doughnut on its own already contains 250-300 calories and 10-20 grams of fat.

5. Low Fat Labels – Beware of foods that say they're low fat. Most manufacturers of calorie-loaded foods often market low-fat versions of their wares so that health conscious people will be more comfortable when buying them. However, these may destroy your diet even more since you're more likely to eat more because you don't feel the guilt associated with binging on fatty foods.

6. Carbonated Drinks – Soda is delicious and it quenches one's thirst really well. However, do you know that each can of soda contain no less than 10 teaspoons of sweeteners like sugar? Since these drinks are carbonated, they also increase the likelihood of gastric pain, hyper acidity, ulcer, and even pancreatic cancer. Chugging several cans per day also puts you at risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disorders.

7. Margarine – Margarine brings a plethora of food and health issues simply because they are filled with Tran’s fats, which is the main culprit for bad cholesterol. A diet filled with margarine will not only pack on the pounds, it can also hurt your cardiovascular system and give you loads of health issues like hypertension and heart disease.

8. Sugar-Free Food – In the same way that low-fat labels can misguide you; sugar-free food is also extremely dangerous because you tend to eat more of these because you don't worry about the sugar content. Also, since they don't have any sugar, most companies use artificial and chemical preservatives to give flavor to these otherwise bland foods, making it dangerous to your health.

9. Liquid Meals – Manufacturers say that drinking these is equivalent to one full meal, so if you're on a diet or don't have time to eat, this will still give you the calories you need. However, there is no substitute for real food, and although these may contain calories, they don't contain the proper nutrition your body needs daily.

10. Pork Crackles – Tasty and delectable, these pork crackles are absolutely dangerous to people who are conscious about their health. Deep fried and salted fatty pig skin is filled with bad fats, salt, and should be avoided at all cost.

Now, it's not bad to have these once in a while, but if you're really meticulous about food and health, there are a lot of alternatives out there to keep you from grabbing one of these the next time you go to your favorite supermarket or restaurant. Remember, health is a worthy investment, and it all starts with what you eat.

Top 10 Positive Ways To Prevent Hair Loss Naturally

Hair loss can be a very embarrassing thing, especially if you're only in your 20's or 30's. Nothing is scarier than waking up in the morning to find a pillow or bed filled with your hair. If your hair loss is caused by genetics, then tough luck. However, if other factors are at play, then you can stop it before it gets the better of you.

1. Stay away from salt – A diet that is high in fats and salt can affect your kidneys. When your kidney's functionality is compromised, your body starts to produce acidic blood. Even if hair is considered dead skin cells, the roots still need a healthy blood supply to thrive. With acidic blood, the hair withers, weakens and falls of easily.

2. Load up on vitamins – Vitamin deficiency is another cause of hair loss. If you think you're not getting enough vitamins and minerals from your diet, you can try boosting it with some supplements. Any drugstore variety supplement will do, as long as it's complete.

3. Tone down on hair treatments – People spend thousands of dollars on hair treatments as part of their hair care routines. However, most hair treatments have chemicals in them that weaken the hair's hold on the scalp. If you must, go for hair treatments that are composed of natural ingredients. Extra virgin olive oil, mango extracts and yoghurt make good hair treatments and don't contain strong chemicals and toxins.

4. Get rid of stress – Stress can make your hormones run wild, leading to hair loss. When you're stressed, you don't eat right, sleep right and in general, you don't take care of your body. This means less nutrients for your hair and less focus on hair care. If you neglect your hair because of stress, it will lead to very inconvenient circumstances.

5. Change your form of birth control – Hair loss is especially embarrassing for women, but female hair loss is quite common and one of the most popular reasons is birth control. Certain pills may have a negative effect on you and your hormones and one of its most common side effects is thinning of your hair.

6. Hormones Matter – Hormones play a huge part in the vitality of your hair. If you're pregnant, just reached menopause, experiencing irregular menstrual cycles or experiencing anything that affects the hormones, chances are your hair will suffer for it. Now there's nothing you can do if you're pregnant as sometimes it's a normal part of it, but make sure you ask your doctor what's normal and what's not.

7. Change your hair products – Some shampoos and conditioners may contain strong chemicals which do not sit well with sensitive hair. If you experience hair loss, try changing hair products. Try shampoos and conditioners made of natural ingredients.

8. Comb your hair the proper way– Do not brush your hair directly after bathing; instead, use a wide tooth comb. When brushing your hair, make sure to never force it when it encounters tangles. Help untangle your hair using your fingers gently before brushing it again. Don't over brush your hair.

9. Cleanse you hair – Too much residue from hair products can drag down hair, making it dull, brittle and weak. Twice a month, you may want to cleanse your hair of all the muck from shampoos and conditioners. Buy a clarifying shampoo and use it to cleanse your hair. This is also a good ritual to observe before changing shampoos or conditioners.

10. Have a positive outlook on hair loss – When you find your hair suddenly thinning, don't freak out! This is one of the most common mistakes people make. They go out, try whatever product is there on the market and lose sleep over this problem. By stressing over hair loss, you are actually making the problem bigger. It can be prevented using natural means and all you need to do is to think straight and consider all your options.

While some people may need more help and require the aid of a professional, others need only a few tips and tricks to keep their hair healthy and full. All you have to do is to pinpoint exactly what's causing your hair loss and combat it with proper diet, adequate sleep and natural hair care methods.

Weight Loss=Exercise + Healthy Eating

When it comes to summer, you may start to worry with your body weight and probably wonder how to prepare yourself to look proper in your new bathing suit. Everybody wants to lose some extra pounds from their body and look attractive on the beach. A lot of people start going gym then, others try to restrict their unhealthy eating habit. While these methods work, these can actually bring you partial result. To get the ultimate result, to look fit and hit, you must make a combination of the both. A successful combination between these two will determine how successful you are going to be in your weight loss attempt. So weight loss is not a single approach, rather, it’s a dual one. It involves proper and healthy eating and fitness activities at the same time.

A research was made between 200 people. They were divided into three groups. Among them, one group was asked to bring changes in their eating and fitness activities. Another group changed their eating habit only and left their fitness related activities as it were before. The third group focused only on their physical training.

The result
After a year, the first group successfully achieved their fitness goal. They were able to lose weight successfully along with a change in their food habit which ensures long lasting results and better health in the end.
The other group which only focused their attention on physical activities achieved a greater health but their diet habit didn’t turn into a healthy one. This is sure to ruin things in the end.

The third group to dietary change did manage to achieve a greater diet habit but their overall fitness didn’t show much improvement. Another deal breaker, showing how pointless it is to eat well forgetting to do exercise.

So, it becomes clear that in order to achieve fitness, you must change your eating habit and introduce some exercise in your daily routine as well. It’s not only food or health alone, itsfood and health together. Now the first one is easy regarding the fact that you already eat three or four times a day. So you won't have to go through much hardship to bring some healthy changes into your food habit. But the second one can be really challenging, if you are not accustomed to regular physical activities. So you may face some trouble at first, but with continuous attempt and a little patience, you can achieve that goal. Start with some easy and short workout like walking and cycling. You can also swim. And when you get accustomed to that, try switching to bigger and harder workouts. Always maintain your healthy eating habit; you can make your weight loss program a successful one.